Syqwest Bathy 500DF Dual Frequency Echosounder & DGPS
- Front Panel Interface The instrument front panel consists of a high contrast, backlit four-line ( 16 characters per line) LCD display, and a fully-sealed input keypad.
- All operating parameters are at the user’ s fingertips, with immediate selection feedback provided via the LCD display. LCD display menu pages encompassing system data, status, and setup parameters are provided for each of the following :
- Time and Date
- Position
- Digitized Depth
- Alarm Status
- Receiver Gain
- Sound Velocity
- Display Range
- Units
- Tide / Draft Adjustment
- Chart Speed and Annotation
- Paper Save Mode / Paper G uage
- Frequency
- Communication Interfaces
- Operating Characteristics All operating functions are set via the front panel interface. Important setup selections are stored within internal, non-volatile memory for instant availability upon power-up. Time and Date Depth records can be date/ time tagged using manual input via the key panel. Position – GPS / DGPS The instrument d ecodes and processes the NMEA 0183-formatted sentence GGA or GLL from GPS/ DGPS variable 4800/ 9600 Baud. The Bathy-500DF can be purchased with an internal DGPS receiver built in.
- Simply attach the antenna and the Bathy-500DF will annotate depth sounding with GPS Position. Digitized depth is displayed on the backlit LCD display in large, boldfaced digits that are easy to read. Alarm Status The Bathy-500DF includes programmable shallow and deep water alarms with visual and audio indications, as well as a lost bottom warning. Receiver Gain / TVG Control The user controls receiver & TVG gain manually or selects automatic receiver gain control for each channel.
- Sound Velocity For maximum depth measurement accuracy the sound velocity adjustment allows the user to compensate for water salinity and temperature variations. Unit The instrument operates in units of feet or meters. Resolution to .01 units* . Display range The user sets display range and phase manually, or operates the instrument in an automatic display mode. Eight range selections, along with 120ft of 40m phasing ( see Phasing on back page for more details) are included to produce printouts of the desired sector within the water column.
- Tide / Draft Adjustment Compensation for the effects of tide and draft are included for depth measurement to surface. This adjustment is applied to processed output data. Chart Speed and Annotation The chart recorder mechanism operates in multiple chart speed modes. The user activates chart annotation for Hi/ Lo time, date, and position via the front panel keypad, or remote mark switch. Paper Save Mode The thermal recorder can be deactivated for paperless digital output only operation. Paper Gauge The unit annotates the top of the thermal chart record with a gauge of paper remaining on the roll.
- This eliminates the need for striping the chart record near the end of the roll – the user obtains a clean data presentation to the very end of the chart paper. Communication Interfaces The user configures receive and transmit data to both RS232 and RS422 specifications via connector wiring options. The baud rate and output formats are selected as follows: Baud Rate – 9600 or 4800; Hypack & HydroPro compatible; Output Format Types : NMEA 0183 DBT; ODEC dt ( true lat, long, depth-hi, depth-lo) ; PMC dt ( true lat, long, depth) ; ODOM Echotrac and Digitrace-compatible; Atlas DESO-25 compatible.
- Includes :
- AC Power Cable
- DC Power Cable
- MF Data I/ O Plug Kit
- Spare Fuse kit
- Chart Paper Kit
- Operators Manual
- P01740 Transducer, 33/ 210KHz DF w/ Diplexer M191 Style
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